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This is a proposal for the Social Meters. I believe most of the interesting things we might want to do can be simulated with only 3 meters: Allegiance, Happiness, and Health. Health is already part of the v.3 reqs. A meter to measure the defenses, or security of a planet will probably also be required, but is not under consideration here.

  • Allegiance —effects likelihood of revolt
  • Happiness — effects productivity
  • Health — effects population growth


Social Meters measure the opinions and attitudes of the inhabitants of each planet. The meters represent the "average" opinion of the citizens of the planet, surely there would be variation, but for gameplay purposes, a planet is the smallest unit of opinion we deal with.


Allegiance measures "do the citizens of planet X like empire Y?" Each planet has a allegiance meter for every empire (including the one that owns the planet). Allegiance (like the other opinion meters) would move toward equilibrium among an entire species. Allegiance is effected by the happiness of a species within an empire, as well as the compatibility of their ethos and the empire's actions. However allegiance toward the ruling empire is probably immune to the negative effects of happiness while under attack by another empire. In such situations they would "blame" their unhappiness on the attacker.

The effects of a low allegiance meter are rebellions. A high allegiance meter would probably have a positive effect such as increasing happiness, resistance to espionage, faster population growth, etc.

The aim off many acts of espionage would be to decrease a planet's allegiance to the ruling empire, and/or to increase it's allegiance to another empire.


A planet with allegiance below a certain point (probably 20) has a chance of rebelling-- trying to leave it's current empire. Rebellions are more likely when the chance of success is higher, i.e. for poorly garrisoned, isolated worlds. Since planets or species with lower status i.e. slave-planets have more difficulty in rebelling, therefore they generally rebel at lower allegiance levels.

If a planet rebels there will be a ground war against the loyal portion of the local military (if any). Citizens, infrastructure and buildings will be killed or destroyed.

If the rebellion is successful and the planet has a high allegiance towards another empire, it will petition for membership. If the planet has low allegiance to all empires it will assume independence as a new (and probably short lived) AI-controlled empire.

Multi-Species Example
If the Xav empire was conquered and divided in half by the Red and Blue empires, the Xav people would have a rather low allegiance towards the Red and Blue. Xav inhabited planets would be relatively easy targets for espionage (bonus for disloyal planets). Since allegiance is partially transmitted to allies, and inversely to enemies, the Xav would start to think well of the enemies of the Red and Blue empires. (issue: the numbers must be crafted so the results of 3 or more empires each at war with one and allied with another can make sense.) However, if the Blue empire acted compatibly with the Xav ethos, and treated them well, the Allegiance toward Blue would improve among the Xav— in both empires. It shouldn't be easy to turn loyal citizens taken from another empire into citizens loyal to their new home. While Blue spends resources trying to make the Xav happy, Red might build an invasion fleet and attempt to take the remaining Xav homeworlds, being unconcerned with their allegiance because they are slaves on planets under martial law. If Red succeeds at taking many of Blue's Xav worlds, but at great loss of Xav life, the Xav might spontaneously revolt from Red, and form their own empire, or if Blue had treated them well enough, join Blue.


Happiness is in many ways a "catch-all" social meter. It is effected by many things, including the other social meters, allegiance and health. However the primary effect of happiness is on productivity. Happy citizens get more work done.

NOTE: It has been argued that all the functions of Happiness can be preformed by the Allegiance meter. I'm not yet convinced, but if so the fewer meters the better.


A planet with happiness below a certain point (probably 20) has a chance of rioting. Riots are temporary states of disorder during which all production (other than minimal farming) ceases. Planets or species with lower status i.e. slave-planets have more difficulty in rioting, and therefore will riot only at lower happiness levels. The frequency and duration of riots increases as happiness decreases.

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