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This page indexes the species ideas which have been developed for FreeOrion.

  • Please see the instructions and guidelines here for creating new species ideas for FreeOrion.
  • If your species, or one you care about, is in the Story forum, but isn't on this list, please, add it to this list following the pattern established.
  • "Empahsis" is for a single word listing of the species most prominent strength. If we had Psylons, you would put down "Research".
  • "Eleazar's Rating" is a simplified form of what can be found in this thread.

Name Summary Emphasis Eleazar's
Gyisache Cowardly, freakish sheep-like herbivores ? 5  ?  ?
Chato'matou'Gormoshk Sessile crystalline entities which combine with the animal Gormoshk to get around. ? 5  ?  ?
Eaxaw The Eaxaw are a Race of Evil Amazonian Xenophobic Aggressive Worms Conquest 5  ? Main Theme (draft)
Egassem Super massive, nuclear, lava-dwelling, ageless, crystalline amoebas Reasearch? 4  ? Main Theme (draft)
Scylior Three-tentacled, aquatic Nautiloid, blindly following an immobile brain-growth's religion of knowledge gathering ? 5  ?  ?
Trith Telepaths driven batty by the background noise of other being's thoughs. ? 4  ? Main Theme (draft)
George A single, childish Telelpathic entity that consists of tons of centipedeoids ? 4  ? Main Theme (draft)
Derthrean Pacifistic, Bioengineering, pain-ridden Floating plant/virus hybrid Farming 4 [1]  ?
Hhhoh Huge, slow, multi-trunked Mammoths ? 4  ?  ?
Phinnert Indigene flying Monkeys ? 4  ?  ?
Cynos Walking plants sustained by a giant non-sentient mother plant ? 4  ?  ?
Gaseous Sentience A partial symbiosis of sentient gas-phase entity, and unintelligent sack-like "gasbags" ? 4  ?  ?
Sslith Flat, aquatic, plyable creatures ? 3  ?  ?
Trayeggadora 6-limbed Sloths with a 10 year aggression/pacifistic cycle ? 3  ?  ?
Ugmorrs Lava-dwelling yeast piles, which form temporary yeast/rock golems to gather information and interact. ? 3  ?  ?
Simulacrons Beings that are born biologically, but on maturity are translated to their true digital civilization. ? 3  ?  ?
T'aeghirus Weak, flightless birds, united in total mutual cooperation ? 3  ?  ?
"Ents" Sentient trees, with an decentralized neural network throughout their woody trunk and branches ? 3  ?  ?
Enishe Star-dwelling energy beings. Alter the output of the stars they imhabit. Probably space monsters ? 3  ?  ?
[Clickable Name] Description ? ?  ?  ?
[Clickable Name] Description ? ?  ?  ?