FOCS Scripting Details

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Note that throughout this entire document, case (capitalization) matters. CurrentFarming works, but CURRENTFARMING does not.

Types and Expressions

In the Conditions and Effects below, there are references to variables and expressions of various types. Variables refer to attributes of a source or target object. The source object is the object to which the Effect is attached, and the target object(s) is(are) the objects that are within an Effect's scope. Here is a comprehensive list of the attributes available, and their types (more on types later):

CurrentFarming        double
MaxFarming            double
CurrentIndustry       double
MaxIndustry           double
CurrentResearch       double
MaxResearch           double
CurrentTrade          double
MaxTrade              double
CurrentMining         double
MaxMining             double
CurrentConstruction   double
MaxConstruction       double
CurrentHealth         double
MaxHealth             double
CurrentPopulation     double
MaxPopulation         double
TradeStockpile        double
MineralStockpile      double
FoodStockpile         double
TradeProduction       double
FoodProduction        double
MineralProduction     double
IndustryProduction    double
ResearchProduction    double
PlanetSize            PlanetSize +
PlanetType            PlanetType +
PlanetEnvironment     PlanetEnvironment +
ObjectType            UniverseObjectType +!
StarType              StarType +
PrimaryFocus          FocusType +
SecondaryFocus        FocusType +
Owner                 int ++
ID                    int +++

+ See the FreeOrion sources for the valid values for these enumerated types. An unoffical list of valid values for most enumerated types can be found here, but this may not be always up to date and accurate, since the valid values may change periodically.
++ Owner will return -1 (instead of 0 like all other failures for numeric types) if there are no owners, or there are more than one, since this is guaranteed not to match any actual object.
+++ This is the unique integer numeric ID used to identify an object internally within FreeOrion.
! The types returned by ObjectType have some overlap. For instance, a Planet is also a PopCenter and a ProdCenter. In this case, Planet is returned before PopCenter or ProdCenter, since if you see a Planet, you know it is a ProdCenter, but seeing a ProdCenter, you have no idea if it is a Planet or something else that produces goods or resources, for instance a mining outpost. This principle guides the order in which type is determined when ObjectType is used.

As mentioned above, these attributes can be referenced on the source or target object, but not alone. So "Source.ID" and "Target.PlanetSize" are legal variables, but not "PlanetEnvironment". In addition, an object's containing object, if one exists, may be used in a variable. For instance, if the source is a planet, "Source.System.StarType" represents the ster type of the source's system. Planet may also be used in a similar fashion, as in "Target.Planet.PlanetEnvironment".

Nonsensical combinations of Target, Source, Planet, System, and the above attributes are allowed, but will always return 0 for numeric values, and INVALID_... for enumerated type values. For instance, if the source is a System, Source.System.StarType will always return INVALID_STAR_TYPE, which is guaranteed not to match any actual System. Similarly, Target.System.CurrentFarming makes no sense (since meters exist for Planets but not Systems), and so will return 0.0.

Now about types. The "double" type listed above, is a double-precision floating point number, which is more or less any real number in the range [-10^300, 10^300]. The "int" type is an integer number, which is basically any whole number in the range [-2*10^9, 2*10^9]. The other types are enumerted types, with specific values. Each such value has a string associated with it, for instance the first valid StarType is STAR_BLUE.

In the Conditions and Effects below, certain parameters have types. It is illegal to provide a parameter of the wrong type, and it will result in a thrown exception (a purposeful crash of FreeOrion). There is one major exceptions to this. It is legal to provide a int value for any parameter of any type. This is mainly to support easy expression syntax, which is the next thing that needs to be addressed.

Instead of providing a singe variable or constant value (such as 3.14, 5, or STAR_BLUE), you can instead provide an arithmetic expression. Legal expressions may contain parentheses, +, -, *, and /. The - operator can be binary as in "3 - 4", or unary as in "-Source.MaxHealth". Whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines) is ignored. Expressions may be arbtrarily complex. The type of the entire expression must match the type of the parameter for which it is intended. For instance, it is illegal to supply "1 + 3.14" as a value for an int-type parameter, since 3.14 is not an int. As mentioned before, though, it is legal to supply "STAR_BLUE + 1" as a value for a StarType parameter, since integers are always ok.

Note that since arbitrarily complex expressions are allowed in Effects, and multiple Effects may affect a single target in a single turn, the order in which the Effects are applied to the target may matter. For instance, if Effect A sets the current industry meter to "Target.CurrentIndustry + 20", and Effect B sets the current industry meter to "Target.CurrentIndustry * 3", the answer could be X * 3 + 20 or (X + 20) * 3, depending on the order of execution. To minimize this, and in keeping with the guidelines for Effects in general, such Effects should have small magnitude, which will make the problem largely disappear. For instance, if "Target.CurrentIndustry + 3" and "Target.CurrentIndustry * 1.05" are used instead, the difference between X * 1.05 + 3 and (X + 3) * 1.05 is a negligible 0.15.

Note that some of the parameters in the Conditions and Effects below ask for a certain type, sometimes a type-expression. Those paramters that do not explicitly allow type-expressions cannot handle them.

Finally, note that in places below where a bool value is requested, you must enter a "1" for true or a "0" for false. "False", "True", "T", "F", etc., are not recognized.



Descr.: Matches all objects.
XML format:



Descr.: Matches all objects that are owned (if EXCLUSIVE == false) or only owned (if EXCLUSIVE == true) by an empire that has affilitation type affilitation with Empire EMPIRE_ID.
XML format:


Param Types:

EMPIRE_ID   int-expression
AFFILIATION EmpireAffiliationType


Descr.: Matches the source object only.
XML format:



Descr.: Matches all objects that are of UniverseObjectType TYPE.
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPE UniverseObjectType-expression


Descr.: Matches all Building objects of the sort specified by NAME.
XML format:


Param Types:

NAME string


Descr.: Matches all objects that have an attached Special of the sort specified by NAME. Passing "All" for NAME will match all objects with attached Specials.
XML format:


Param Types:

NAME string


Descr.: Matches all objects that contain an object that matches Condition CONDITION. Container objects are Systems, Planets (which contain Buildings), and Fleets (which contain Ships).
XML format:


Param Types:



Descr.: Matches all Planet objects that have one of the given PlanetTypes. Note that all Building objects which are on matching planets are also matched.
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPEX PlanetType-expression


Descr.: Matches all Planet objects that have one of the given PlanetSizes. Note that all Building objects which are on matching planets are also matched.
XML format:


Param Types:

SIZEX PlanetSize-expression


Descr.: Matches all Planet objects that have one of the given PlanetEnvironments. Note that all Building objects which are on matching planets are also matched.
XML format:


Param Types:

ENVIRONMENTX PlanetEnvironment-expression


Descr.: Matches all ProdCenter objects that have one of the given FocusTypes. Note that all objects in matching ProdCenter are also matched (currently only applies to Buildings on Planets).
XML format:


Param Types:

FOCUSX FocusType-expression


Descr.: Matches all System objects that have one of the given StarTypes. Note that all objects in matching Systems are also matched (Ships, Fleets, Buildings, Planets, etc.).
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPEX StarType-expression


Descr.: Matches a given object with a linearly distributed probability of CHANCE.
XML format:


Param Types:

CHANCE double-expression (this value is locked to being between 0.0 and 1.0)


Descr.: Matches all objects that have a meter of type METER, and whose current value (if MAX_METER == false) or maximum value (if MAX_METER == true) of that meter is >= LOW and < HIGH.
XML format:


Param Types:

METER     MeterType
LOW       double-expression
HIGH      double-expression


Descr.: Matches all objects with exactly one owner, whose owner's stockpile of STOCKPILE is between LOW and HIGH, inclusive.
XML format:


Param Types:

STOCKPILE StockpileType
LOW       double-expression
HIGH      double-expression


Descr.: Matches all objects that are visible to at least one given empire id.
XML format:


Param Types:

IDX int-expression


Descr.: Matches all objects that are within DISTANCE units of at least one object that meets CONDITION. Warning: this Condition can slow things down considerably if overused. It is best to use Conditions that yield relatively few matches.
XML format:


Param Types:

DISTANCE double-expression


Descr.: Matches all objects that are within JUMPS starlane jumps of at least one object that meets CONDITION. Warning: this Condition can slow things down considerably if overused. It is best to use Conditions that yield relatively few matches.
XML format:


Param Types:

JUMPS int-expression


Descr.: Matches all objects that match every Condition in <operands>.
XML format:


Param Types:

OPERANDX Condition


Descr.: Matches all objects that match at least one Condition in <operands>.
XML format:


Param Types:

OPERANDX Condition


Descr.: Matches all objects that do not match the Condition OPERAND.
XML format:


Param Types:

OPERAND Condition

Notes on Conditions

Note 1

Some Conditions that match an object's containing object will be returned, even though they at first seem to be nonsensical. For instance, if the target object is a Planet, StarType will match the type of the System in which the target is located. This means that StarType will match all objects in all Systems with the given star type, and the Systems themselves. Similarly, all objects on all Planets (and the Planets themselves) that match a PlanetType, PlanetSize, or PlanetEnvironment will be matched. This has an important implication; if you want all Systems with blue stars, you should use StarType=STAR_BLUE AND Type=OBJ_SYSTEM:


If you want all Ships in Systems with blue stars, you should use StarType=STAR_BLUE AND Type=OBJ_SHIP:


Note 2

The And and Or Conditions are designed to work as efficiently as possible, by only searching the objects that have not already been matched. So it is always best to put the most restrictive Condition first in an And Condition's operands. For instance, if StarType=STAR_BLUE matches about 1000 objects, And(Self, StarType=STAR_BLUE) will be about 1000 times faster than And(StarType=STAR_BLUE, Self), since the former only has to look at the match from Self to see if it also is (or is inside of) a blue-starred System, whereas that latter has to look through the 1000 matches from StarType=STAR_BLUE to see if any of them also matches Self.



Descr.: Sets the meter of the given kind to VALUE. The max value of the meter is set if MAX == true; otherwise the current value of the meter is set. If the target of the Effect does not have the requested meter, nothing is done.
XML format:


Param Types:

METER MeterType
VALUE double-expression
MAX   bool


Descr.: Sets the empire stockpile of STOCKPILE of the target's owning empire to VALUE. If the target does not have exactly one owner, nothing is done.
XML format:


Param Types:

STOCKPILE StockpileType
VALUE     double-expression


Descr.: Sets the planet type of the target to TYPE. This has no effect on non-Planet targets. Note that changing the type of a PT_ASTEROID or PT_GASGIANT planet will also change its size to SZ_TINY or SZ_HUGE, respectively. Similarly, changing type to PT_ASTEROID or PT_GASGIANT will also cause the size to change to SZ_ASTEROID or SZ_GASGIANT, respectively.
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPE PlanetSize-expression


Descr.: Sets the planet size of the target to SIZE. This has no effect on non-Planet targets. Note that changing the size of a PT_ASTEROID or PT_GASGIANT planet will also change its type to PT_BARREN. Similarly, changing size to SZ_ASTEROID or SZ_GASGIANT will also cause the type to change to PT_ASTEROID or PT_GASGIANT, respectively.
XML format:


Param Types:

SIZE PlanetSize-expression


Descr.: Adds empire EMPIRE_ID as an owner of the target. This has no effect if EMPIRE_ID was already an owner of the target object.
XML format:


Param Types:

EMPIRE_ID int-expression


Descr.: Removes empire EMPIRE_ID as an owner of the target. This has no effect if EMPIRE_ID was not already an owner of the target object.
XML format:


Param Types:

EMPIRE_ID int-expression


Descr.: Destroys the target object. Destroy effects are executed after all other effects.
XML format:



Descr.: Adds the Special with the name NAME to the target object.
XML format:


Param Types:

NAME string


Descr.: Removes the Special with the name NAME to the target object. This has no effect if no such Special was already attached to the target object.
XML format:


Param Types:

NAME string


Descr.: Sets the star type of the target to TYPE. This has no effect on non-System targets.
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPE StarType-expression


Descr.: Sets the availability of all the items that tech TECH_NAME unlocks to empire EMPIRE_ID, optionally making available or unavailable TECH_NAME itself. The tech and/or its items are made available if AVAILABLE is true, and are made unavailable otherwise. If INCLUDE_TECH is true, the tech itself is made available/unavailable as well. This means that if AVAILABLE is true, INCLUDE_TECH=true means TECH_NAME will become fully available, just as if it had been researched normally, and INCLUDE_TECH=false means only the items that the tech unlocks are made available. The same holds when AVAILABLE is false. Note that this means this Effect is intended also to be used to unlock or lock all buildings, ships, etc. unlocked by a specific tech, and/or unlock/lock the tech itself.
XML format:


Param Types:

TECH_NAME    string
EMPIRE_ID    int-expression


Descr.: Adds additional EffectsGroups <effects> to the BUILDING_TYPE_NAME BuildingType definition for Empire EMPIRE_ID. This is intended to be used for Refinement Techs and special events.
XML format:


Param Types:

EMPIRE_ID           int-expression
EFFECTS_GROUPX      EffectsGroup

Notes on Effects

Effects are evaluated and then applied while processing a FreeOrion turn. When this happens, all EffectsGroups' activation and scope conditions are evaluated before any effects are applied. The order of effects application is as follows: effects from Specials, then effects from Techs, then effects from Buildings. The order of execution of Effects within these groups is deterministic, though not controllable.


Descr.: Contains one or more Effects, a Condition which indicates the objects in the scope of the Effect(s), and a Condition which indicates whether or not the Effect(s) will be executed on the objects in scope during the current turn. Since Conditions operate on sets of objects (usually all objects in the universe), the activation condition bears some explanation. It exists to allow an EffectsGroup to be activated or suppressed based on the source object only (the object to which the EffectsGroup is attached). It does this by considering the "universe" containing only the source object. If the source object meets the activation condition, the EffectsGroup will be active in the current turn. An EffectsGroup's stacking group determines when it should affect a specific target; if that target has already been affected by another EffectsGroup with the same stacking group, all EffectsGroups after the first have no effect on the target. For instance, if an EffectsGroup is in a stacking group "WONDER_FARM_BONUS", and executes on a target object, no other EffectsGroup in the "WONDER_FARM_BONUS" stacking group will affect it on that turn.
XML format:

    <description>DESCRIPTION</description>          [optional -- may be left out]
    <activation>ACTIVATION</activation>             [optional -- may be left out]
    <stacking_group>STACKING_GROUP</stacking_group> [optional -- may be left out]

Param Types:

SCOPE          Condition
ACTIVATION     Condition
EFFECTX        Effect

Note 1: The <description> element is optional. If it is left out, a description will be autogenerated. Currently, the autogenerated effects desriptions are pretty good, but the scope and activation autogenerated descriptions range from barely acceptible to awful. Leave the description out at your own risk.
Note 2: The note about Special description text also applies to EffectsGroups. (That is, DESCRIPTION strings should not be user-presentable text, such as DESCRIPTION="Adds 12 points to farming", but rather they should instead be keys into a string table file.)


Descr.: A Special is a definition of a predefined set of EffectsGroups with a unique name, which may be attached to an object.
XML format:


Param Types:

NAME           string

Note: The NAME and DESCRIPTION strings should not be user-presentable text, such as NAME="Homeworld". They should instead be keys into a string table file. For instance, NAME="HOMEWORLD_SPECIAL". This key string will be used to look up the actual text from the string table file for the language used at runtime, such as eng_stringtable.txt or esp_stringtable.txt. The string that goes with DESCRIPTION="HOMEWORLD_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" in eng_stringtable.txt, for instance, may be "This is your race's homeworld; you receive numerous bonuses on this world, a world to which your people are uniquely suited." The description text should not include the actual effects of the Special; those will be supplied directly from the EffectsGroup object contained within the Special.


Descr.: A specification for a building of a certain type. Like Specials, BuildingTypes must each have a unique name.

See example Building XML descriptions

XML format:


Param Types:

NAME             string
DESCRIPTION      string
BUILD_COST       double
BUILD_TIME       int

Note 1: The note about Special name and description text also applies to BuildingTypes.
Note 2: GRAPHIC_FILENAME should be relative to the art directory. So it should appear in the form "foo/bar.png" instead of "default/data/art/foo/bar.png".


Descr.: A specification for an unlockable item, used within Tech definitions. The type defines the kind of thing to be unlocked, e.g. a Building or ShipComponent, and the name is the name of the specific item of that kind to be unlocked, e.g. a "WonderFarm" building or a "MegaLaser" ship component.
XML format:


Param Types:

TYPE             UnlockableItemType
NAME             string

Note: The note about Special and BuildingType name and description text also applies to Items.


Descr.: A specification for a technology. Like Specials and BuildingTypes, Techs must each have a unique name. Each tech may optionally have an EffectsGroup associated with it; this EffectsGroup is attached to the capitol planet of the empire that researches it, and its scope is evaluated using that planet as its "source" object. Note that all of its prerequisites must be known before a Tech can be researched. The only limitations on this as of this writing are that Theory techs can only depend on other Theory techs, and that refinements cannot be prerequisites except for other refinements.

See example Technology XML descriptions

XML format:

    <effects>            [optional -- may be left out]

Param Types:

NAME             string
DESCRIPTION      string
TYPE             TechType
CATEGORY         string
NAMEX            string
ITEMX            Item

Note 1: The note about Special and BuildingType name and description text also applies to Tech names, descriptions, and category names.
Note 2: GRAPHIC_FILENAME should be relative to the art directory. So it should appear in the form "foo/bar.png" instead of "default/data/art/foo/bar.png".